Translation of the book on climate risks and adaptation

2015 / 1 / 8 | Author: EcoNetworks

J-to-E translation of the book on Climate Change Risks and adaptation

In March 2014, Sompo Environmental Foundation (Former Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Environmental Foundation) published a book titled “How Should We Adapt Climate Change Risks?: Smart Adaptation for Businesses, Governments, and Grassroots Organizations.” EcoNetworks supported abridged Japanese to English translation of the book.

This book introduces initiatives toward climate change risks taken by a wide variety of stakeholders. It also explains about weather derivatives (weather index insurance), financial instruments developed based on a risk financing approach and adaptation to climate change by insurance companies.

– Preface
– Initiatives in the Insurance Sector: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Efforts by Sompo Japan
– The Task Ahead for Japan

There are excellent examples in Japan to reduce climate change risks by integrating practical measures into the economic systems. See the abridged English translation at: