We are specialists who use the power of language and communication to help solve social issues in areas such as the environment and human rights. As a network of like-minded people around the world, we are dedicated to achieving a sustainable society together.


Our shared purpose

The reason for being
that drives us forward

Foster Team Sustainability together, everywhere.

There are ideas that begin with a single person.
And there are ideas best brought to life through teamwork.
Anyone inspired to take action can be a part of Team Sustainability.


The core principle that guides us in achieving our purpose

Be the ripples of change
toward a sustainable society
in which the individual can shine.

We are a team of specialists around the world who support the conception, designing and implementation of a sustainable society, leveraging an approach that transcends the limits of organization and common practice.


The ethos upon that forms the base for decision-making in all of our activities

Encouraging personal development toward sustainability.

“When the way comes to an end, then change – having changed, you pass through.” (I Ching)

The nature of the individual, the concept of the organization, the structure of society – each member of EcoNetworks considers the practice of sustainability in every aspect, and acts as entrepreneurs to create opportunities to develop their lives and work styles in order to originate change.

The individual shines, and so then does the team.

We are Team Sustainability.

We have not taken the conventional form of a company with employees, but rather a group of individuals, making the most of our members’ knowledge and practical experiences and creating value as a diverse team unconstrained by distance, culture and language barriers.

We understand each other’s interests, strengths and work styles, and strive to unlock new potential through our activities as specialists – both improving ourselves and learning from one other in the process.

The individual shines, and so then does the team, creating a powerful force for change and overcoming obstacles.

Giving back to society.

We aim for the realization of a sustainable society.

That which we learn and develop through our work to promote sustainability – both as individuals and as a team – will be given back to society and to future generations through information distribution and practical implementation.


How we approach our work


Possess a high degree of expertise and responsibility for our work.
Reflect our passions though our actions.
Demonstrate creativity through personal enjoyment.
Simultaneously promote sustainability and realize value for the client at a profound level.
Provide happiness to people through our work.

A work style in which one flourishes

Allocate time and design our style of work to match the changes in our life arising from our lifestyles and our particular stages of life.
Root ourselves in the local community.
Balance and integrate our private, social and professional time effectively.
Equip ourselves with the ability to work intensively to deliver results.

Multiregional, multicultural, multilingual

Understand, respect and utilize differences in identity in order to become great communicators.
Listen well, talk straight.
Overcome distance in our communications.
Construct teams and services on the premise of multi-regionalism, multiculturalism and multilingualism.

A compact and flexible team

Assemble the optimum team to demonstrate the best performance in each project without seeking to scale-up our operations unnecessarily.
Seek responsive efficiency with emotional leeway.
Minimize managerial hierarchy and realize a compact and flexible team that eliminates both unnecessary costs and outdated conventions.